Figpeep also lives!
This website is on hiatus (in case you haven't noticed). If anything shockingly exciting happens I'll be sure to update you all.
Don't let this stop you from emailing me with your comments, news, figments, hate mail, mary sue fanfics and Nigerian scams!
22/11/2015 It's been 84 years |
-inDUHvidual |
"If anything shockingly exciting happens I'll be sure to update" hah, hilarious! 2008 me, you are just too cute. I wasn't sure whether I should update this news section or not because it sort of feels like disturbing an archaeology dig site. On the other hand, I've been feeling nostalgic lately so why not? Let's get straight to business.
The Hobbit!
It was worth coming out of hibernation just so I can share this masterpiece of a video that I found - Lindir Tribute. Perhaps I should explain? This is old news for most people so I won't go into detail, but Figwit has made another appearance in the Lord of The Rings films; this time in The Hobbit, and his name is Lindir. Or is it? There is some debate on whether or not Lindir is the same elf as Figwit. But just, please, just watch that video okay.

As Lindir (or is he?), Figwit has made other appearances - he's a playable character in the video game LEGO: The Hobbit, a figure in the miniature game series HeroClix, a Games Workshop figurine from the Strategy Battle Game series and the star of many, many Elrond fanfics, great fanarts, comics and cosplays. You've come a long way, Figgy! Once again I am amazed at how engaged with fans the LoTR/Hobbit crew is, from top to bottom. You guys are the best, truly.
The Website!
This website is an internet relic from the early 2000s - the HTML is outdated and very badly coded so parts of the website might not work correctly. If you see something like that then please let me know and I'll try to fix it (I'm aware most of the outgoing links are dead but removing them now seems wrong, somehow).
The Email!
8326 is the number of email messages that were in my inbox when I logged in for the first time in years, 99% of which was just junk mail. The website's email account always received massive amounts of junk mail so eventually I stopped checking and replying to messages and the longer I put it off, the more reluctant I became. So to all of you who emailed the website and never got a reply - I'm very sorry! For what it's worth, I did read each and every message but it was too late to reply to most of them. My inbox is clean now so feel free to message me, even if it's the year 2032 and people no longer use email now that hologram messaging is a thing.
Until next time...
19/03/2008 blast from the past pt.2 |
-inDUHvidual |
Remember when someone started a petition for a Figwit action figure way back in 2002? Yeah, me neither. I think it was started by this guy Finch who offered to help us with the website but turned out to be a big a-hole. Anyway, we finally sort of kind of got a Figwit action figure from the people at The Lord of The Rings Collector's Models and it only took 6 years! See? Online petitions DO work. This is great news for Wincest fans.
It looks like age has caught up with him. Big thanks to Jeana for the heads up!
07/09/2007 A blast from the past! |
-inDUHvidual |
I've uploaded the old, original Figwit Lives! website in all it's geocities-y glory, just as we left it when we switched to this newer layout back in 2002. I don't know why we ever did that- the old website was truly made of awesome. I had to reconstruct the Audio page from memory because we stupidly deleted it after learning that The Silent One (that's what we used to call Figwit) DOES speak after all. Again, I don't know why we did that. It's the awesomest page on a very awesome website.
Click image to reach the old website.
Enjoy! If you find something on the website that doesn't work anymore let me know.
23/09/2005 HBO One Night Stand download |
-inDUHvidual |
Good news! Thanks to my friend probono you can now download the 30 minute HBO special. It's megaupload.com again and this time the file is 190MB. Use a download manager! Download here
EDIT June 11th, 2006: Now it's on Sendspace. Now it's nowhere. Sorry!
Enjoy! |
11/09/2005 Conan O'Brien clip and other FoTC news |
-inDUHvidual |
The good news- I have a good quality file of the performance on Conan O'Brien. The bad news- I can't host it at the moment. I uploaded the file to megaupload.com- you can download it there any time you want but the servers are often slow and the connection unstable so I suggest you use a download manager of some sort. Here are some screencaps (along with a few screencaps from the show credits that are not in the clip).
Click for a bigger version.
The guys were also on One Night Stand on HBO last Friday (basically 30 minutes of them on stage). I don't know if I can get that one- I'll check into it. If you're desperate you might want to search p2p networks like bittorrent (a few episodes from that show are on there so maybe this one will show up as well). |
More news here.